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Corequisite Mathematics

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Corequisite Mathematics 2021-01-20T19:53:42+00:00

Corequisite Mathematics

Corequisite remediation is a different approach to improving student completion and learning of introductory college mathematics courses. Decades of research shows low outcomes (both learning and passing) from traditional developmental mathematics courses. The data is clear: requiring long sequences of stand-alone developmental math courses serves as a barrier to student degree completion. In corequisite remediation, colleges allow students to enroll directly into college-level introductory mathematics courses and offer them additional support. The additional support can take different forms, from offering a support course taken simultaneously with the college-level course or through expanding the time or credit hours of the college-level course.

The best way to learn about corequisite mathematics is to review one of the leaders promoting this innovative approach in our field: Complete College America.

Highline College was an early adopter of corequisite mathematics. With the gracious support of College Spark Washington, we are making great progress towards reaching our goal of offering students in the STEM, Stats, or Business mathematics pathway who place one level below college-level in math the option to take their introductory college course in a corequisite format.

Read about Highline College Corequisite Mathematics Initiative