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Mathematics Pathways

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Mathematics Pathways 2021-03-04T20:57:41+00:00

Mathematics Pathways

Mathematics pathways represent a paradigm shift in the field of postsecondary mathematics education where college algebra has traditionally been the default entry-level or general education mathematics requirement. Colleges that implement mathematics pathways offer students a choice of transferable gateway college mathematics courses aligned to their program of study.  Gateway mathematics courses include but are not limited to introductory statistics, quantitative reasoning, modeling, and precalculus or calculus. Students needing remediation have a pathway to and through developmental mathematics to ensure timely completion of the gateway mathematics course (typically within one year). Burn chairs the Pathways Joint Subcommittee of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges and was past co-chair of the Math Pathways to Completion project, a multi-state project (Arkansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma and Washington) focused on establishing and implementing a statewide vision for math pathways.